Complete Health, Inc.
Proactive Health Consulting Since 1976
At Complete Health, our passion and expertise includes guidance on the potential benefits of dietary supplements. Curcumin deserves a special mention due to its ability to lower inflammation and impact so many areas of the body, including cognitive/brain, immune, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal/joint, liver, kidneys, eyes and gut. Bioavailability matters and varies greatly among curcumin supplements, and then perhaps more important is looking at human clinical trials.
There are quite a few high-quality curcumin products on the market. As of 2024, Thorne Curcumin Phytosome (Meriva) has over 40 human clinical trials supporting both efficacy and just as important, safety.
For a downoloadable PDF on Indena Curcumin Phytosome, click here:
Curcumin can be taken as part of an approach to healthy aging:
Curcumin: A Golden Approach to Healthy Aging: A Systematic Review of the Evidence - PubMed
Curcumin Phytosome has unique safety studies compared to other curcumin products:
Interaction study between antiplatelet agents, anticoagulants, thyroid replacement therapy and a bioavailable formulation of curcumin (Meriva®) - PubMed